Sunday, March 2, 2008


When I woke up this morning (actually, when Patrick forced me out of my bed a little before 4) I went to turn on the coffee pot and noticed the Winnie the Pooh step stool that Sarah uses to go potty. It was on the floor in the kitchen. I didn't really think anything of it because, well, it was not even 4 am and my brain wasn't turned on yet. Then I went to sit on the couch while balancing Patrick in one arm and hot coffee in the other.

I took note of several pieces of candy and miscellaneous wrappers strewn on the couch, but again, I brushed it off. It is not uncommon for Rick to snack and watch TV after the rest of us have gone to sleep. I was slightly perturbed because I have yelled at him asked him nicely before about leaving candy laying around where the kids can see it and want it.

Hours later, when Rick (finally) got out of bed I mentioned the candy to him, and he said, "Oh yeah. When I got up around 1 o'clock to use the bathroom I heard noises in the kitchen and came out and saw Sarah licking the icing off the cake." (see picture below now)

I am bothered by this. How often does this happen? Rick caught her and didn't do anything? When I questioned him on what he did about it he said, "Well she wanted a drink so I got her one." Okay, not quite the reaction I think is best to correct this behavior. I have been threatening to ban sweets from the house for many months now, but I have never taken action because I must admit I have the sweetest tooth in this joint and sticking to such a harsh rule is basically impossible. I really am going to start putting my stash up high in a locked box where it's safe though.

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