I am stumped:
Patrick has been having a lot of "accidents" lately. He gets so wrapped up in what he's doing that by the time he realizes he has to go...it's too late. That's cool, I can handle that-I simply remind him more often and make him take breaks from playing to go potty. But the other day he surprised me by going to the bathroom all by himself! YAY, Patrick!! When he emerged he declared: "I peed in my hair!". Umm, what?
Clearly I was disgusted and scrubbed him in the tub. The whole time I kept asking myself, Do other kids pee on their heads? How does one manage to pee in one's hair? I went over the scenario in my mind many times and never came up with an answer. (Except I think I was supposed to be a mother to GIRLS!!)
hahaha! Another reason I have recently realized I am terrified to have a boy! Ahhh! Before having girls, of course I never would have imagined feeling that way... :P
?!? He does not get that from MY side of the family. It must be Rick. :-P
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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