Thursday, November 6, 2008

~Bathroom Fun~

I am not sure why, but the bathroom seems to be the single most attractive room in the house to my kiddos. It has progressed from just wanting to be at my feet while I was in there to locking themselves in that room for fun. Almost everyday I find myself banging on the door issuing ultimatums to get them out. Normally I would be thankful for the few minutes of peace, but here are a couple of reasons why it's just not worth it anymore:
The bath foam somehow exploded and it was shooting from the top of the canister all over everything. I have tried to do this myself to see exactly what went wrong, and I could not get the same results. Leave it to Sarah & Patrick to figure it out. If only they could use their evil genius to do good?

Another prime example of why the bathroom is off limits:
I admit this was mostly my fault; I selfishly walked outside to switch over the laundry and stayed out there for extra minutes just to be alone. When I came back inside I noticed it was too quiet, but it took me longer than normal to investigate. My favorite part of this clean-up was the toothpaste crammed in the grout on the floor. I'm not sure how it got there since he was on the counter, but it did.

My suggestion for getting a toothpaste/lotion combo out of your grout is soak it with water and use an old toothbrush to lift it out. Trust me: any paper product will not work!! You'll be amazed how clean the floor looks after scrubbing it-I was tempted to go ahead and do the rest of the floor, but I decided against it so we now have a section that is noticeably clean and new-looking.
Also, PatPat smelled minty-fresh for hours and hours after this incident so all was not lost. :)
After being a mom of 2 for over 2 whole years now I finally figured out how to go to the bathroom without having the kids tear up everything while I helplessly sit there. My bottom drawer is filled with "forbidden" items that I really don't care if they play with at all (empty travel-sized shampoos, Q-tips, etc). They get to think they're getting away with something, and I get to well, you know.

1 comment:

SHEAFmom said...

LOL! That's my boy :-) Your kids are destined to greatness. Their incredible ingenuity can not be ignored.