Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why I Hate Shopping

Our last trip to Wal-Mart as a family of four:

We got there and put the kids into a cart together (first mistake). Then we went past the toy aisle (second mistake) and had to give them each something that we had no intention of buying to bribe them into being good.

When we made it to the food section I realized I meant to pick up some Gatorade for Rick so I told him I'd be RIGHT BACK (third mistake) and walked back about 7 aisles to get it. On the way back I could hear my kids hollering, laughing, fighting. I started walking faster cause I could tell it was about to get out of control unless mommy or daddy stopped whatever was going on.

They were at the opposite end of the frozen food aisle and as I turned that way two men passed by me and I overheard them say, "If those were my kids I'd beat their [butts]." Obviously I acted like I had no idea who those bad kids were and pretended to be debating between curly or straight fries. After the guys passed I jogged down the rest of the way to see what the commotion was over and there is my useless unobservant husband standing with the freezer door open, staring blankly into the cold while my daughter was screaming, "OH NO!! DAAAAAD-DEEE!!!", and my son was sitting with a tub of butter between his legs, plastic seal pulled back, scooping it out and eating it by the handful. Ummm, HELLO? I can't even go get a forgotten item without chaos ensuing? The funniest part is Rick insists on tagging along to "help" me. HAHAHA.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOVE IT! Our husbands sound like one in the same.... *sigh* I also enjoyed your list of things you caught yourself saying- IN ONE DAY! LOL Nice to read your birth story, too. I heard your blog was hilarious, now I'll have to check back more often (one more way to waste time, but SO fun!). :p It was good seeing you last week. Hope things are well! :)