Wednesday, October 5, 2011

No Need For Post-Its Anymore!

I've always had problems remembering things. Ever since I had multiple children it has gotten worse; if it hadn't been for those magnetized shopping list pads which stick to the refrigerator I would have missed countless appointments, made many more trips to the store for forgotten items, and flaked on important commitments.

I have finally figured out a way to remember! I want to share my discovery:
I ask my husband to call me and remind me of something. I may not remember the task, but I will darn sure remember that Rick didn't call me to remind me! See, all you have to do is figure out a way to blame your hubby. Ta-Da-instant ginseng!

I'm waiting on the photos for my next post-it is a tutorial on birthday party planning. Stay tuned! :)


SHEAFmom said...

Love the blame the hubby plan :-D

Hurry with the party planning post...ooops you are waiting for me for the photos :-P

I also have Rick's DVD from Tom. Sadly the video guy for got the video so no video of today/

*kim* said...

Yes-I need the photos!! :) I was hoping to get them tomorrow (Friday). I've already written the post-just need to add pics.