Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If You're Not a Gator...Your Gator Bait!

Yesterday since the hubs was off work we decided to bring some lunch to the playground we frequent and spend some time together.  After we enjoyed lunch and played for a bit we headed over to the edge of the playground and walked around while the kids inspected sticks, rocks, and bugs.  They destroyed a couple of ant hills and watched the chaos ensue.  Eventually we made our way to the other side of the parking lot (which is not far from where we started by any means).

Hubby and I were chatting and watching the kids as they ran around the water.  Luke spotted a bird in the grass, wings spread open and sun-bathing.  He ran to try to capture it (yes, he honestly believes he will catch the things he goes after).  Sarah was climbing on a fence, and Patrick started running laps around the water, which is exactly what he always does.  In fact, the three usually have races around the water.

This time, as Patrick was running I saw him looking rather happy...then confused as he slowed to a jog...then wide-eyed as he came to a stop...then he turned around and ran back towards me.  Then in an alarmingly non-chalant way, my son shouts to me as he is running at full-speed, "Alligator."  My husband-at the EXACT same moment- said in an equally blase tone, "Oh, that's an alligator."

HELLO!?  Yes, we are desensitized to alligators because we are from Florida, but Come. On.  Patrick was literally within farting distance of that gator.  If not urgency, then at least a little pep in your voices, please.

Naturally I had to see for myself, and sure enough-alligator.  I really wish I had a way of conducting an informal poll...I'm curious to see how many others this has happened to.  You know, playing at the local playground and-whoops-stumble across an alligator.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

GO GATORS! ur life is hilarious! lol!