Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Sooo bad...that I can't even blog about it.
I guess not everyday can be rainbows and ice cream trucks, right?

On a brighter note: the tightness in my chest has unclenched into a dull throb. YAY! And all three monsters darling children are asleep by 7pm. That is a blessing straight from God to me because He knew I could not take one. more. minute.

Looking forward to tomorrow; we are all going to Saint Augustine to the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral and our friends will be there, too. After that we are going to make waves at the beach (get it!?). I suppose I'd better get packing...yes, packing. Because Rick is coming with us so we will be 5. All needing pretty church clothes, casual clothes, and swimsuits, towels, sunblock, snacks, and various shoes. Gotta go charge the camera battery and finish laundry. Then I can close my eyes on this dreadful day and wake up to a good morning. :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fun Saturday

Today we were outside and we noticed a bunch of ants dragging a dead bug across the carport. Sarah and I think bugs are gross so we kept our distance. But my boys were captivated by the strength of the ants and gathered round to cheer them on. They were truly appreciative; Patrick said, "Thank you, ants!" so cutely I had to take a photo so I would remember the day my son thanked the ants for their bug removal services. Minutes after this it started to rain steadily. It came out of a blue sky, completely unannounced, and thrilled the kids beyond belief. An unnexpected rain to run through is apparently one of life's joys. Then to top off the moment Luke and Patrick simultaneously screetched, "ICE CREAM!!!" and we all looked down the street to see the familiar Saturday sight-a bright yellow ice cream truck playing tell-tale music. So they scrambled to gather their quarters from the kitchen counter and bought ice cream in the rain under a sunny, bright blue sky. Magical childhood moments I tell you.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Was Tagged

My friend Jessica tagged me to list five reasons why I love Jesus. I am supposed to tag five others to do the same, but since I pathetically do not have that many friends I choose to tag no one. So there! Here they are:

  • 1. I often feel inadequate to teach my children about God and our faith so I am constantly presented opportunities to "teach" them...without working at it. For example, when the children notice the beauty around them (the blue of the sky, a rainbow, trees) it opens the door for a natural, laid back-yet effective-conversation about God.

  • 2. No matter what happens I know He's got my back.

  • 3. I have been blessed with a personality which allows me to love God without having to question every aspect of faith (why do bad things happen, etc). I like it this way. ;)

  • 4. I have never TRULY felt alone. Even in the darkest hours of despair, when I wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear, when I turned my back to God and swore I didn't love Him anymore like a child angry with his parents. I knew He was there. Waiting for me to calm down so He could comfort me. I didn't even WANT Him to be there...but He was.

  • 5. And the final reason I love Jesus is cause He loves ME!! And my nutty kids. I love how the good in life will ALWAYS outweigh the bad because good always triumps.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

No Time To Post!

Every time I sit down to hack out a post someone comes up to fool around with the computer, ask for something ridiculous, or just plain I am too tired to see straight. There are plenty of little things that happen, cute tidbits of the day I really want to remember...but then I forget them. :( The whole reason my blog was born was so I could journal the antics of my kids' fleeting childhood, put them in print so when I'm lonely in my neat and tidy home with nary a stray toy to step on I have a sort of comfy, warm emotional blanket to wrap myself in. I am so neurotic about everything else...I need to set aside 30 minutes per week to blog. Hmmm...maybe I could jot down the hilarious stuff on a piece of paper so I won't forget. I'd have to figure out a place to keep said paper from being destroyed........ I want to remember the baby streaking for the garbage men...three weeks in a row. I want to be able to smile when I pull up the image of all three kids hiding in my closet with a dozen markers...completely decorated from face to feet. One day it might not be so terrible that we have blue patches on the ceilings...from Flarp (Google it) being mishandled. And instead of wanting to smack his bottom, maybe I'll remember Patrick's spunk when I re-read about the macaroni and cheese food fight he started while I was in the shower...and I had to peel it off the walls. Yep, setting aside time seems like the right thing to do. I just need to get the kids on-board so that can become a reality. ;)