Friday, April 15, 2011

I Was Tagged

My friend Jessica tagged me to list five reasons why I love Jesus. I am supposed to tag five others to do the same, but since I pathetically do not have that many friends I choose to tag no one. So there! Here they are:

  • 1. I often feel inadequate to teach my children about God and our faith so I am constantly presented opportunities to "teach" them...without working at it. For example, when the children notice the beauty around them (the blue of the sky, a rainbow, trees) it opens the door for a natural, laid back-yet effective-conversation about God.

  • 2. No matter what happens I know He's got my back.

  • 3. I have been blessed with a personality which allows me to love God without having to question every aspect of faith (why do bad things happen, etc). I like it this way. ;)

  • 4. I have never TRULY felt alone. Even in the darkest hours of despair, when I wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear, when I turned my back to God and swore I didn't love Him anymore like a child angry with his parents. I knew He was there. Waiting for me to calm down so He could comfort me. I didn't even WANT Him to be there...but He was.

  • 5. And the final reason I love Jesus is cause He loves ME!! And my nutty kids. I love how the good in life will ALWAYS outweigh the bad because good always triumps.